Friday, September 16, 2011


everyone told me to cheer up , dont cry , dont be sad.


i cant stop myself from being so sad and doing the cry-over-split-milk action.

there are lots of memories in it.

memories that no one will understand.

memories that is so priceless.

memories that are more expensive than anything else.

i lost them all.

i cant blame anyone.


it is just plainly my own fault.

i am plainly stupid for not backing up my stuff in computer and also thumb-drive and in cd/dvd.

i am plainly stupid for carrying my phone to the toilet without my phone bag.

i am plainly stupid for everything, and everything happened because i am plainly stupid.

no matter how much regrets i have now no matter how much sorrow i feel now cant change a single bit of what have happened yesterday.

at first i thought i am having a bad worse worst day ever. but. actually i am just plainly stupid.

that is why i screwed my econ test without knowing i did wrong in the first place.

that is why i ended my phone's life in a deep down disgusting place.

goodbye to my econ. goodbye to my "hubby" supernova.

so long to them may they rip.

well..what i am doing now?

sound as if it is end of the world?

i dont know.

i am being so useless worthless emptiness now.

pray hard that yesterday never happened before. but it is worthless.

cant do anything that can undo my wrongs feeling useless.

doing what should i do now, feeling emptiness as whole.


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