the Harry Potter Day ~!
i watched the final part with my sis and her friends.
i had a another great day. ^^
plus ; we saw two couple koreans watching harry potter with us too ~
it was a surprise to see koreans around.
maybe is time that i get used to it.
but it gona take some time for me to get used...
my sis are a big spoiler, since she read the whole story of Harry Potter.
"this does not really happen, this not... that not..."
LOL ~ please sis i'll just follow my version
- the movie version - of Harry Potter. XD
she was nervous when waiting the show start,
should i say she is a great fan of harry potter?
anyway, i gona watch all the series of Harry Potter again ... if i have the time ~
my sis's friends really are funny...i love them...they made me laugh a lot. it aint any uncomfortable-ness when going out with them.
sadly, there cant any photos to kept it as memory, as my sis and her friends do not belong to a group that likes to take photos much.
AAH~ this morning, my dad brought us to the library. it is my very first as a teen to national library. it's been a long time since i last went there(when i was still a kid.)
man, seriously, the national library is really small especially the borrow corner(books that are allowed to borrow home). they should put more books on borrowing corner, this way, more people will read rather than wasting their time in something else.
especially, those books are not categorized in order, no matter it is romance, philosophy, horror, etc, books are organized all together though they are obviously not the same kind.
if they put a little more effort in categorizing, i'm sure more malaysians will borrow more books to read as they can easily find books of their interest.
sometimes i have this feeling that i do not belong to anywhere.
whenever i go online, i always saw my friends having great great fun camwhore-ing with their "GANG".
i know i shouldn't care much of the gang part, but , still, i cant stop but thinking, who am i, where do i really belong to.
each and everyone have their own gang. whenever they go, they are together.
either for a trip, or a outing (shopping).
either for a movie, or a makan-ing.
as for me, ...
i dont know, or maybe, i'll never know or never will have known.
everytime, i feel lost, even with my best friends, i feel i cant fit with them well, or, dont fit well.
they always have their common interest, common liking, and common problems.
i feel stress. when i do not have what stress they are encountering, such as relationship problem.
maybe i am too stress out for those that i dont have?
whenever i told my friend with r'ship problem that those were they journey that everyone need to go through in their life.
i paused.
i think.
when is my journey for that happen? will i ever encounter those? or i should be happy that i'm not?
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